Tigerlily had complained about her ex being controlling, but Adnan turned out to be much worse. Now she’s got a new throwback photo that resurfaces her past.
SkiBummer563 on Reddit came across an old Instagram post from over a decade ago featuring Tigerlily and her second ex-husband. Tigerlily was married to a man named Adam Azulai before she married Darren. Tigerlily can be seen wearing a poufy layered dress in the picture with Darren next to her in a simple T-shirt and jeans outfit. There are two children with them, a little boy and a girl wearing a matching dress like the 90 Day Fiancé star, even though Tigerlily hasn’t talked about having a daughter. Tigerlily has two sons–Finn and Roux–with Darren.
What Tigerlily’s Throwback Photo Reveals About Her Life Before Adnan
Tigerlily Seemed To Be More Herself Around Her Ex-Husband

Tigerlily met Darren when she was 31 and quickly became pregnant with their first baby, after which they decided to get married. They were together for eight years, and he filed for divorce in June 2021. There have been reports that Tigerlily and Darren’s divorce was never finalized, but Tigerlily has denied these rumors. She’s also spoken about how the divorce process was horrible and that she stayed in the controlling marriage for the sake of her children.