Netflix’s Wednesday gives the iconic Addams family supernatural powers, with each kooky figure exhibiting different abilities. Wednesday is the first adaptation of The Addams Family to confirm that each member of the family has supernatural powers, with the Netflix series even exploring the abilities of their ancestors from several centuries ago. While the idea that the Addamses were supernatural was left up to interpretation or served as another eerie quirk to the characters in previous adaptations, their powers are integral to Wednesday season 1’s story.
Wednesday is set at the Nevermore Academy School for Outcasts, an institution dedicated to training and uniting teenagers from various supernatural species. As Wednesday learns to master her growing powers at the school, the Tim Burton Netflix series also explores the curious abilities of her family members, primarily Morticia and Fester Addams. While some of The Addams Family characters have yet to exhibit their powers in Wednesday, the series ensures that Wednesday, Morticia, Gomez, Pugsley, and their relatives all have supernatural gifts.
“Raven” Psychic Powers, Clairvoyance

One of the key elements of Wednesday Addams’ story in Wednesday season 1 is her budding psychic powers. Wednesday reveals that she’s been experiencing powerful visions for the past year, but they come on very suddenly, and she doesn’t know how to control them. Wednesday’s psychic visions can happen at random, but are typically brought on by touching someone or something, which leads her to see a connected moment from the past or future.
As Wednesday season 1’s murder mystery unfolds, Jenna Ortega’s character begins to have more control over her psychic ability, which allows her to discover that Tyler is the Hyde. Wednesday Addams inherited her psychic ability from both sides of her family, as her mother Morticia Frump is a powerful psychic. At the same time, her father Gomez’s ancestor, Goody Addams, was a notable witch and psychic.
Nevermore Academy means Netflix’s Wednesday erases the main appeal of the original Addams Family premise, but it works for this character’s story.
Like Goody, Wednesday is a type of psychic known as a “raven,” which is based on her darker view of the world. This means that Wednesday’s visions are stronger and more potent, but Morticia warns that raven psychics can go mad if they don’t have proper training. Thankfully, Wednesday has the support of Nevermore Academy, her family, and fellow psychics like Xavier Thorpe to help master her supernatural powers.
“Dove” Psychic Powers

While Morticia Addams had a vampiric style and demeanor in past Addams Family adaptations, Wednesday confirms that the matriarch is actually a psychic. Catherine Zeta-Jones’ Morticia has psychic visions similar to her daughter Wednesday, which she had helped conjure through an obsidian necklace. Principal Larissa Weems reveals that Morticia began having visions when she was around 16 years old at Nevermore Academy, and originally believed that she was “losing her mind” when they became more powerful. According to Weems, young Morticia Frump’s visions were “notoriously unreliable and dangerous.”
While Wednesday Addams inherited her psychic powers from Morticia, Tim Burton’s Netflix series reveals that the matriarch is a different type of psychic. While Wednesday is a raven, Morticia is a dove, which is based on their differing worldviews. Wednesday‘s take on Morticia has a more positive outlook on the world, which means that her psychic visions aren’t as strong or dark as her daughter’s. While Morticia’s psychic powers aren’t seen in action during Nevermore’s murder mystery, the character’s visions will likely be included during Wednesday season 2.
Unknown Powers (Possibly Psychic As Well)

Surprisingly, Wednesday season 1 doesn’t confirm what supernatural powers Gomez Addams possesses. While his brother can generate electricity and his daughter is a psychic, Gomez’s gift is unclear in the Netflix series. He most likely has a gift that’s related to being a psychic, but Gomez’s outcast species won’t be confirmed until the Addams family returns in Wednesday season 2 at the earliest.
Gomez Addams exhibits the power to walk on walls, which could still turn out to be his power in Wednesday .
Gomez’s supernatural powers also aren’t revealed in The Addams Family sitcom or 1990s film series, but he does have a curious ability in the characters’ 1972 appearance in the Scooby-Doo episode “Wednesday Is Missing.” During this episode, Gomez Addams exhibits the power to walk on walls, which could still turn out to be his power in Wednesday.
Fester Controls Electricity

Fester Addams has a fairly unique power in Tim Burton’s Wednesday, as there aren’t any other characters who have exhibited the power to make electricity. Uncle Fester’s powers certainly come in handy during an emotional crisis in Wednesday season 1, as he’s able to zap Thing back to life after a tearful Wednesday implores him to revive the Addams’s beloved sentient hand. Fester’s supernatural powers of electricity are also useful for his criminal career, as he presumably uses them on his bank heists.
Uncle Fester did have the power to generate electricity in The Addams Family (1991), which he gained after being struck by lightning.
Netflix’s Wednesday is the first occasion in which all the Addams Family characters are confirmed to have supernatural powers, as previous adaptations either only implied their abilities or positioned them as powerless macabre figures. However, Uncle Fester did have the power to generate electricity in The Addams Family (1991), which he gained after being struck by lightning, and in the original 1960s sitcom. Uncle Fester’s powers in Wednesday are thus the only supernatural abilities confirmed to have been carried over from past adaptations.
He Has No Supernatural Powers Yet

Unlike his older sister Wednesday, Pugsley Addams has yet to reveal his supernatural gift. While Wednesday was sent to join Nevermore Academy’s powerful outcast species after being expelled from public school, Pugsley remains with the “normies” during Wednesday season 1. Pugsley will likely attend Nevermore Academy in Wednesday season 2, which is also when he’s apt to discover his powers.
Wednesday revealed that she started having her psychic visions when she was around 15 years old, so this is also likely when Pugsley will begin to experience his powers. Since Pugsley’s mother and sister are psychics, he could also be part of this outcast species in Wednesday.
She Has Psychic Powers & Can Cast Curses On People

Tim Burton’s Wednesday introduces a brand-new character in The Addams Family history, who ultimately plays an important role in Nevermore Academy’s centuries-old murder mystery and outcast-normie feud. Goody Addams is revealed to have been an incredibly powerful psychic and witch, who had dark and potent visions like her descendant Wednesday, another raven psychic.
The 17th-century character was also able to visit her descendants in the afterlife, as Goody returned to train and heal the title character throughout her battles in Wednesday season 1.
Additionally, Goody was a witch who could put spells and curses on others, such as the blood curse she placed on the pilgrim Joseph Crackstone’s soul. The 17th-century character was also able to visit her descendants in the afterlife, as Goody returned to train and heal the title character throughout her battles in Wednesday season 1. On top of all this, she also specialized in Necromancy thanks to the Book of Shadows, and she spent much of her afterlife seeking revenge on Crackstone.
Other Characters In Wednesday With Powers
Enid, Rowan, Xavier, & More

Wednesday Addams goes to a school for kids with special powers, so there are a lot of people in the Netflix series with special powers. Of course, the most obvious character is Wednesday’s roommate and eventual best friend, Enid, who is a werewolf. Rowan has telekinesis and can move things around with his mind at will, including other people. He uses his powers against Wednesday when he says his mother saw Wednesday destroy the school.
Bring Animation To Life
Principal Larissa Weems
Xavier has the power to bring his drawings and animations to life. Ajax is a Gorgon, which means he can turn people into stone, although, unlike Medusa, his powers are not permanent. Bianca is a Siren, which means she can use the power of suggestion to lure people to follow her and do her bidding, while Yoko is a vampire. The Principal of the school also has powers, as she is a shapehifter who can turn into almost anything she can imagine.
This Is The First Addams Family Adaptation To Feature Special Abilities
Fester Is The Exception To This Rule

In the original Addams Family movies, none of the characters had special abilities other than Uncle Fester (and Thing). Of course, Fester gained his powers of electricity when he was struck by lightning, but that was it for the family itself and their “powers.” The entire joke from The Addams Family before Wednesday was that they seemed like supernatural characters but were nothing more than an eccentric family who exhibited bizarre behavior.
They were just a weird family who had an eccentric love of dark and morbid things.
Morticia looked like a vampiress, but she was not one. Lurch looked like a Frankenstein monster, but he was just a large, vacant-staring chauffeur. Wednesday liked to get gothic, but she had no powers. Everyone who met the Addams Family and came across them thought they were monsters, but they were just a weird family who had an eccentric love of dark and morbid things. Wednesday changed all that.
Addams Family Members Who Have Yet To Appear
Cousin Itt and Grandmama

There are a few Addams Family members who still need to make an appearance on Wednesday. The two most obvious are Cousin Itt and Grandmama. The addition of Grandmama could go a long way toward showing more of the witch traits and psychic powers of the Addams Family lineage. She was the one person, other than Fester, who seemed most likely to possess powers in the originals. She was a witch but never showed that she actually could do magic. In Wednesday, she would fit right in.
As for Cousin Itt, he was definitely a supernatural character in the original series, although he did not really possess any special powers. He is best known as someone who is only shown by long hair, with sunglasses and a hat on. He speaks in high-pitched gibberish that only his family understands. However, outside of his appearance and questionable corporal state, it is not clear if he had any special powers.
Finally, the last family member who could appear on Wednesdaybut almost certainly won’t is Pubert Addams—the youngest child of Morticia and Gomez Addams. He was born and debuted in Addams Family Values. As a baby, he even sported the same mustache as his father. In Addams Family Reunion, Wednesday said they had a little brother, but Pugsley ate him.