Timothée Chalamet has recently been spotted in New York City, showcasing a striking transformation for his role in the upcoming movie Marty Supreme. The actor sports a new look that includes short hair, a mustache, and glasses, making him almost unrecognizable. He was seen on set dressed in 1950s-style attire, which includes a brown suit and slicked-back hair. This new image aligns with his role as Marty Reisman, a professional ping-pong champion from the mid-20th century, in a fictionalized retelling directed by Josh Safdie.
This new appearance marks a notable shift from Chalamet’s usual style, as he’s diving deep into the character’s distinct look. The film, produced by A24, has created a buzz not only because of Chalamet’s transformation but also due to its talented cast, including Gwyneth Paltrow