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The Night Agent season 2 ended with Peter and Rose once again saving the day in their own unconventional way. The chemical attack at the UN was successfully averted, and villains like Solomon and Javad were dealt with. However, the fact that Peter again went off-book—this time going as far as to sell UN secrets to achieve his goals—means a significant status change for his character. Peter will be a double agent in The Night Agent season 3, jumping between Night Action and intelligence broker Jacob Monroe on Catherine’s orders. So, how will the coming episodes work out this and more?
10Will Peter & Rose Be Reunited?
The Pair Broke Things Off At The End Of Season 2

The ending of The Night Agent season 1 saw Peter and Rose go their separate ways. The big question of these episodes was whether the bond between these two was legitimate or if it had only formed because of shared trauma. Peter had signed up to have his life threatened around every corner, but Rose had not. After the titular Night Agent’s many questionable and risky decisions, Rose decided it was time to go a different way.
9Is Jacob Monroe Controlling The President?
This Villain May Be Calling The Shots

The mysterious Jacob Manroe was slowly elevated to the role of overarching villain in The Night Agent season 2. He was Solomon’s employer, and though he seemed calm and professional when Peter met him, it was clear that Jacob was highly dangerous. Still, it was a necessary evil for Peter to climb into the information broker’s pocket. He couldn’t know what Jacob would do with the information Peter stole from the UN, but it definitely wasn’t good.
As Catherine said, this fact means that any document that crosses Hagan’s desk will be on the global market.
8Will Rose Become A Night Agent?
Rose Deserves A More Official Status (If She Comes Back)

Rose and Peter have proven themselves to be an excellent team. Neither the assassination attempt in The Night Agent season 1 nor the chemical attack in season 2 would have been stopped if this duo hadn’t joined forces. Despite this, those within Night Action are eager to point out every chance they can that Rose isn’t an agent. It certainly seems that The Night Agent is setting this up to change.
At the end of The Night Agent season 2, Rose headed back to California and seemed determined to leave Night Action behind her. The multiple attempts on her life were traumatizing. Still, it can’t be denied that Rose has a knack for Peter’s job. It seems likely that she will be pulled back into the action. Catherine likely would disapprove of her becoming a Night Agent, considering her missing qualifications, but a more official status may still be due.
7Will Rose’s Program Be Used For Evil?
Rose’s Ethics Board May Not Come To Much

Rose decided she was done being a CEO for a while and took a lowly job working for someone else. Still, it’s her program that her boss is pitching to other companies, and Rose’s changes while searching for Peter only made it more appealing. Of course, such a product could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Rose essentially made something that can be found by anyone anywhere in the world, and this seems to be a tease for The Night Agent season 3.
When Rose agreed to come back to California and continue working for her significantly less talented boss, she did so under the stipulation that an ethics board oversee the sale of her program. Since The Night Agent is all about documents and programs ending up in the wrong hands, it certainly seems that Rose’s program will be next. Whether an ethics board will or won’t make a difference can only be answered in The Night Agent season 3.
6Will Jacob Monroe Really Trust Peter?
This Will Be A Risky Business

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At the end of season 2 of The Night Agent, Catherine takes advantage of Peter’s morally complicated decision and makes him a double agent. Peter will continue to pretend to be Monroe’s man, but his loyalty will remain with Night Action. This will only work if Monroe actually trusts Peter. It will be difficult to tell for certain if he does in The Night Agent until things truly begin to break down.
5How Will Peter’s Role As A Double Agent Impact Night Action?
Peter’s New Mission Is Off Book

Catherine knows Peter is secretly in Jacob Monroe’s pocket, but no one else does. This double-agent business will be completely off-book. This is the best way to keep Monroe from discovering the truth. However, this also means that if anyone within Night Action or other government organizations gets suspicious of Peter, there’s nothing to prove that he is working for Monroe under orders.
4Is Javad Really Out Of The Picture For Good?
Javad May Want Revenge

Though Javad and Noor seemed to have potential as a couple in The Night Agent season 2, things really fell apart when the former realized the latter was spying for the FBI. It seemed for a time that Javad would be Noor’s undoing. He became obsessed with entrapping her, to the point that he even threatened Ambassador Abbas of the Iranian Mission—a man he was meant to protect.
Abbas didn’t take kindly to these threats, and he easily spun Javad’s apparent affection for Noor in the mission’s security images to look like an alliance. Javad was sent back to Iran for being involved with a traitor and spy. Still, it’s difficult to say whether these images would be enough proof. It’s possible that Javad will be back in the States in The Night Agent season 3—perhaps to come after Noor.
3What Happened To Diane Farr After The Night Agent Season 1?
Farr Could Make A Return

Is she in prison, or did Night Action decide she had a more critical role to play behind the scenes?
There’s no question that Farr did some terrible things—she was the reason Rose’s aunt and uncle were killed, after all. However, Peter might better understand her after his battle with the greater good in The Night Agent season 2. Perhaps season 3 will take advantage of this and reveal what Farr has been up to since season 1. Is she in prison, or did Night Action decide she had a more critical role to play behind the scenes?
2What Does Chelsea’s Position Mean For The Night Agent Season 3?
Chelsea’s Return Was Teased In Season 2

Chelsea is another character who played an important role in The Night Agent season 1 but was largely absent in season 2. She had been the head of the Secret Service detail protecting the vice president’s daughter, but Chelsea was later promoted to protect the POTUS herself. The ending of The Night Agent season 2 revealed that Chelsea had kept this role and is now protecting the newly elected President Hagan.
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1Is There More To Peter Sutherland Sr’s Story?
Peter Learns A Little More Every Season

In The Night Agent season 1, Peter learned that the terrible truth the FBI believed about his father, Peter Sutherland Sr, had been true. The man had sold out information that resulted in a breach at the Pentagon and died before he ever stood trial. The Night Agent season 2 saw Peter discover more truths about his father. Though he had been guilty of the crime, Peter Sr had turned double agent to make up for it.
There certainly seems to be a trend here. It may be that Peter will learn more about his father with each season. Of course, it’s also possible that this truly is the end of this particular story. It may be time for Peter to leave his father’s crimes behind, for better or worse. Of course, only The Night Agent season 3 can tell for certain.