Since Pedro broke Chantel Everett’s heart, the man Karen Everett accused of “harvesting the American dollar” has been judged. The people who criticize him can be really mean. The shade they throw is probably more memorable than the praise he gets. In fact, Pedro may feel bullied sometimes. A lot of people have gone through breakups without being raked over the coals. Chantel’s heartache was so extreme that it’s seared into viewers’ minds. However, there’s always the chance that Chantel also did things that led to their split. Putting it all on Pedro might be way too judgmental.
8Pedro’s Telling Followers How To Have Better Relationships
Is He Sharing His Own Pain Over How The Everetts Treated Him?
strongly implying that they pull their partners off course.
While it’s possible that Pedro felt like Chantel was a “selfish distraction,” it’s also possible that Pedro’s looking within, and really doing some heavy self-examination. He may have regrets about his relationship, remembering Chantel’s tears and accusations, and how his in-laws turned on him. When she said, “he knows what he did” onscreen, she basically put the black hat on his head. That ominous accusation made Pedro appear evil – like a man who cheated, lied and used his way to America.
He could be haunted by the past, due to guilt, sadness or an array of other emotions. Pedro probably doesn’t feel like he was the only one who ruined the relationship. Usually, it takes two. Nonetheless, in the post above, a critic blamed Pedro alone, writing:
Hahaha you Pedro giving relationship advise? Is this what you did when you left Chantel in the most cruel manner?
That person may have forgotten that he had to deal with Chantel’s parents – that wasn’t easy. From day one, they didn’t trust the smoothly handsome man from another country. In the end, Karen was right to doubt him, but she didn’t have a crystal ball, so maybe she should have tried to be nicer. By setting a negative tone, she helped to poison the relationship. Nonetheless, Pedro is painted as the villain. It’s not one hundred percent fair.
7Chantel Never Publicly Forgives Pedro
She Won’t Let Him Off The Hook
Since Chantel has agency over her own life, she should probably acknowledge that she had suspicions and pushed them aside, choosing to believe in some fairytale.
If Pedro did connive and cheat, the fact that Chantel didn’t fully believe he would sink so low doesn’t give him a pass. If Pedro’s guilty of that, he’s guilty of remarkably low conduct, but plenty of people have stooped to the very same. So, with that in mind, it’s not impossible that Pedro used Chantel and had some master plan. It’s just that he denies it.
6No One Believes Pedro
Chantel Said & Did Too Much
Custom Image By César García5Chantel & Her Relatives Crossed The Line
Karen Everett Hired A Private Investigator
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Of course, hiring a private investigator is a violation. However, if Pedro always planned to leave Chantel, he probably had it coming. This all gets a bit sticky morally. It really depends on what is true, and unfortunately, Chantel may never know for sure. There are hints that Pedro wasn’t faithful, but no hard proof.
Her friend did tell her that Pedro planned all of it, right from the very start – however, that friend was a former pal of Pedro’s. He may have lied to get revenge. If people don’t look at both sides, they won’t judge a situation fairly.
4Chantel Keeps Trying To Get Sympathy Online
She Probably Wants To Win The Breakup
Chantel is not a bad person – the way she’s reacted to what happened to her is human, not evil. She believed she’d grow old with Pedro. He made her believe that was true. So, when he began freezing her out, it really changed her. She became sad and fearful – she cried a lot and was exhausted. In fact, Chantel showed a lot of textbook signs of depression. It’s terrible what heartbreak can do, and in the post above, she talked about “red flags.”
As previously mentioned, she probably saw some of those red flags and chose to ignore them.
Now, she’s trying to win the breakup with the types of cryptic posts that subtly point the finger. Above, she’s seemingly trying to say that Pedro’s red flags were everywhere, but that her attraction was so strong, she ignored them. She’s twisting the narrative a little, moving from the heartbroken “woman scorned” to a powerful female who chose badly on purpose. It’s her right to post whatever she wants, but of course, cryptic jabs usually come through loud and clear. Sometimes, they say a lot about the person who posts, as getting cryptic is juvenile.
It’s also a bit cowardly.
3The Everetts Make Him Seem Like A Green Card Hunter
Is That Really True?
Pedro‘s a real estate agent, not some overt gold digger. He takes care of his body and makes a good impression on clients. He cares about his work. The fact that Pedro looks so good may actually work against him. He seems like he’s on the make when the truth is that women throw themselves at him. Above, the very well-groomed Pedro’s getting ready for another workday. He wants the American Dream, but he’s not asking for a free ride.
Pedro’s pretty boy appeal is his superpower, but it’s also a curse.
2Pedro Has To Guard His Career
Reputation & Success Can Be Linked
Custom image by Cesar GarcíaThis is why Pedro deserves some grace and some respect. He may be a heartbreaker but it hasn’t been proven that he was using Chantel from the start. There’s circumstantial “evidence,” but he says he just fell out of love. Everyone has fallen out of love at one time or another – it’s not a crime, even though it hurts other people.
1Pedro Has To Hide His Dating Life
Critics Will Attack Any New Relationship
On the post shared previously, where Pedro was dressed up for the day, one fan couldn’t help but admire his looks. These sorts of comments appear every day, along with the inevitable shade from haters. It’s a mixed bag at Pedro’s IG. The fan wrote:
You look so handsome and professional. Congrats on all of your success.💚