However, while filming The Last Resort, viewers were told about Josh Weinstein DMimg Sophie on Instagram. Josh’s partner, Natalie Mordovtseva, has now been claiming that Josh and Sophie actually had an affair.
Sophie did not respond to Natalie’s shocking claims, but instead, she decided to show fans that she’s been unbothered by what’s going on. Sophie has been focusing on her personal growth. She revealed she has lost almost 30 pounds since filming the show. Sophie has been working on becoming the best version of herself “physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.” She admitted she has struggled with body-image issues the majority of her life. “But I am finally in a place where I have a great relationship with food & working out,” Sophie added.
“I now love and accept myself just how I am.”
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Sophie Has Truly Evolved Into A New Person
Sophie talking about making herself a better person and changing who she was on The Last Resort is her saying she doesn’t want to stoop to Natalie’s level. She doesn’t feel the need to explain herself. She’s not going to let Natalie mess with her peace of mind. Sophie also came across as very secure and confident when Natalie attacked her at the club. Sophie laughed it off even when Natalie smacked a glass out of her hands. She didn’t create a scene as she didn’t want any drama. Sophie has proved how classy she is.
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Sophie Is Keeping Herself Away From Drama
Sophie might want fans to decide which side to pick when it comes to her and Natalie on 90 Day: The Last Resort. Natalie has a bad reputation in the fandom for being manipulative in her relationships and acting spoiled. While Sophie does come across as immature at times, she’s shown that she’s truly evolved since her last franchise appearance with Rob. Sophie doesn’t want any drama like Natalie, who seems to be just looking for an opportunity to stay relevant. Sophie’s reality TV career has just begun, and she has a lot to look forward to at 25.